Before I dig deep into your mind and heart, I want to ask everyone reading these three questions.
Question 1: When is the last time you have had a full day of resting and relaxing?
Question 2: What are 5 ways you relax on a weekly basis?
Question 3: Why do you avoid relaxing when you are tired? What are you afraid to miss?
Okay so that was actually 4 questions but ask yourself these questions and be honest in your answers. Write them down and then go further and ask yourself would you like to change that and how will you?
I always find it odd that people are in such resistance to rest. When you are rested you will find so many benefits that you can reap immediately. The way you think will be sharper, the decisions you make will be from a clearer place. You will identify with the present moment and make better plans for your future when you are not tired. Being rested you look better, feel better and have an overall better quality of life. I'm going to be honest with all of you, you are not going to miss anything important by relaxing or choosing to put your phone on do not disturb. It is ok to sit around and just flow with your day; you don't have to always multitask every second of your life. There is more to life. When you rest and relax it gives you time to think and evaluate your life, the things that you want to plan and to dream and be creative within. When you are rested you are able to truly focus on your plans and actually have the energy to put forth the effort to manifest your plans.
Resting is a part of self-care, there are so many ways to relax, for me I have many ways to rest and recharge. They aren't always napping but sometimes its listening to music and reading. Or going for a walk with no music. There are no rules or no template to follow but you have to close your eyes and mind to work and worry sometimes. Some years are easier to do this than others, we all have life woes. Some years of our lives are much busier than others. When you have a rested mind, you will see what you need more clearly. The idea is to put your well-being and overall health before all things. Prioritizing your needs and health before EVERYTHING. If you don't do you think the world will do I for you? Perhaps your job will rest for you. Take the nap, cut off your ringer, take the vacation, have a seat, watch the sunset, go to bed early, you deserve it.
Make a list of 50 ways you relax or want to. Every time you do one of those things, cross if off. Prioritize YOU.